X-Men: The Last Stand is a 2006 superhero film based on the X-Men superhero team introduced in Marvel Comics. When I was attending the 20th century Fox executive conference in Hollywood studio, One of their concern was many of the movie's key visuals (Composition, Color tone) looked similar. So I came up with a minimal but bold creative direction for advanced key visuals for Japan market. This approach was successful, especially for Tokyo's colorful and busy streets.

Main One Sheet    Japanese 28 x20 in (71 x 51 cm)    2006
Main One Sheet    Japanese 28 x20 in (71 x 51 cm)    2006

Early concept design for key visuals. Concept drawing by Manabu Inada.

Early concept design for key visuals. Develop a duo-color theme. This visual was used in Trailer for a TV commercial.

Client: 20th Century Fox International, 20th Century Fox Japan
Creative Director, Designer: Manabu Inada

Year: 2006
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