In 2016, Machinima Inc. and Hasbro Studios created an Internet-based animated series titled Transformers: Combiner Wars, Before the premiere of the series, I had an opportunity to direct/produce Prelude short film. A set of four prelude videos was released that detailed some of the events. This is the story about Victorion and Starscream.
Client: Hasbro Studios, Machinima Inc.
Directed/Produced:  Manabu Gaku Inada
Writer: George Krstic, FJ Desanto, Eric Calderon
Layout Artist: Kaichiro Terada
Monotone Shading: Angela Sung
Composite Artist: Tasayu Tasnaphun
Miniature Model: Charles Villacara
Year: 2016

Early concept drawing and storyboard. Concept art by Manabu Inada.


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