X-Men: The Last Stand is a 2006 superhero film based on the X-Men superhero team introduced in Marvel Comics. After numerous creative meetings with the Fox International team in US and Fox Japan marketing team, We decided to go with the core concept as "The ultimate (final) choices" Title was altered to "FINAL DECISION" instead of "LAST STAND" for Japan market. With its unique cultural difference, Japan is very different from the Western markets. The color and composition are a more graphical and straightforward 2-dimensional style to emphasize more Japanese design sensibility.

Launch Poster.

The main focus of the characters is Wolverine and Jean Grey (AKA Dark Phoenix) on the launch poster.

Early concept design for launch poster key visual.

First concept design for "Gone with the wind" style key visual. Later, We found out Halle Berry (Storm) needs to be part of the launch poster on the same scale as another cast. It is because of her contract with the studios.

In 2006, the Style of Sci-fi/Fantasy-based feature film posters had a similar style. So, we tried to distinguish the type from the trend, And add a more clear concept and color for individual characters. The tagline and photo of the characters express the inner struggle of their ultimate two choices.
In 2006, the Style of Sci-fi/Fantasy-based feature film posters had a similar style. So, we tried to distinguish the type from the trend, And add a more clear concept and color for individual characters. The tagline and photo of the characters express the inner struggle of their ultimate two choices.

X-MEN: FINAL DECISION billboard at a big scramble crossing in front of Tokyo's Shibuya Station. One of the busiest in the world.

X-MEN: FINAL DECISION Billboard. The opposite side of the station.

Early concept design of the character posters.

Visual planning for a promotional campaign.

Client: 20th Century Fox International, 20th Century Fox Japan
Creative Director, Designer: Manabu Inada
Year: 2006
Creative Director, Designer: Manabu Inada
Year: 2006